Monday 13 October 2008

A bloody end for Henry VI

And the same night that King Edward came to London, King Herry, being inward in prison in the Tower of London, was put to death, the 21st day of May, on a Tuesday night, between eleven and twelve of the clock, being then at the Tower the Duke of Gloucester, brother to King Edward, and many other; and on the morrow he was chested and brought to Paul's, and his face was open that every man might see him; and in his lying he bled on the pavement there; and afterward at the Black Friars was brought, and there he bled new and fresh; and from thence he was carried to Chertsey Abbey in a boat, and buried there in our Lady Chapel.

From J Warkworth A Chronicle of the First Thirteen Years of the Reign of King Edward the Fourth quoted in J. R. Lander's The Wars of the Roses.


Twice said...

Son - what is the point of this blog?! C x

Seldom Seen Kid said...

Historical porn X